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Sleep is a vital part of being human. Without rest, brains cannot function at their best, and without enough rest, people feel completely drained and could even be at risk for serious health complications. In America, 50% to 70% of people do not get the recommended sleep per night. It could have many repercussions and could be linked to many health problems. It may be hard to imagine these problems if you are sleep-deprived, but it is essential to remember that sleep deprivation causes serious health issues. Ensuring you get the chronic care needed to maintain your health is one way to prevent some diseases associated with poor sleep.

Benefits of Sleep

Sleeping helps the body to heal

Sleeping is essential for the body because it allows it to rest and recover from illnesses or injuries. It is also necessary to heal after a stressful day at work or with family. Rest promotes this process by allowing the body’s endocrine system to release growth hormones that help to repair muscles and tissues after physical activity. It also allows the mind to relax, which can help to enhance mental well-being.

Sleeping is essential when producing new brain cells

Rest is vital to the brain’s ability to make new connections. The process of consolidation is essential when creating new brain cells to allow your mind to function correctly and help you recall specific memories. When you sleep well, the process of consolidation occurs more effectively and efficiently, which can create more new connections between nerve cells in your brain. It means you will have a better memory and can remember more information.

Sleeping helps to regulate the immune system

Rest is essential for the immune system because it helps to keep your body healthy and protect it from various diseases. It has been proven that lack of rest can impact your health, causing you to develop infections and hurting your overall immune system. It is because when you are in deep rest or REM state, your body releases anti-inflammatory proteins that can positively affect the health of your cells and tissues.

Sleeping boosts your energy levels

Rest is essential to help boost your energy levels. If you are feeling tired and lethargic, it is recommended that you get enough sleep. If you do not have enough rest, this will affect your physical well-being, as well as your mental health and the quality of your life. A lack of rest has been proven to be linked to an increase in depression rates, so ensuring that you get the appropriate amount of sleep can make a big difference.

Sleeping helps the body to recover

As well as helping the body to produce new brain cells, it also allows it to recover. If you have exercised or played sports, rest can be crucial in helping your body repair itself. During rest, your mind and body can relax so that your muscles can repair and rebuild themselves. This process is vital for optimum health and physical recovery after a stressful day or workout.

Sleeping increases productivity

Sleeping can be an essential part of increasing productivity in your life. You can focus on specific tasks more effectively by getting the proper rest. It also helps you to develop new skills and improve particular areas of your life. Not getting enough rest is known to have a negative effect on your ability to perform brain-related tasks, as well as affecting your overall well-being.

Chiropractic care is becoming an increasingly popular treatment choice for millions of people around the world. It is a very effective and safe way to help those suffering from back, neck, and joint problems. Chiropractic adjustments will stay with you for life and can help to improve your quality of life in many ways.

How We Improve Sleep

Comprehensive Consultation and Exam

Consultation and examination with a rest specialist are recommended for all patients. It helps to assess the patient’s problem properly, identify factors affecting sleep, and determine the recommended treatment plan. Even if you have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder by your primary care physician or an emergency medicine physician, you should still discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your rest care team so they can recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

Digital X-rays

Digital X-rays are a safe, non-invasive procedure that allows the practitioner to view internal structures without damaging the skin. From this examination, areas of concern can be identified for each patient. If there is evidence of potential problems with sleeping patterns, then more testing and treatment may be warranted. It is a non-invasive procedure that uses low-dose x-rays to examine the structure and function of your airway and lungs. It is also used to evaluate the anatomy of your sinuses and soft tissues of the face.

Specific Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care is a gentle, hands-on method of spinal manipulation to help align and strengthen the joints, muscles, and bones of the spine and relieve pain in the joints and muscles. Patients are typically treated for back, neck, and other related conditions through chiropractic adjustments or manipulation by a licensed chiropractor. It relaxes muscles, stretches tight muscles, and relieves soreness. It also realigns joints and stimulates the central nervous system so your body can function at its best.

Sleep Modification Coaching

Respite counseling is a process to help patients determine why they are not sleeping well and develop strategies to get adequate rest. It helps patients learn or relearn how to establish a healthy sleep routine. Respite counseling can help the patient improve and maintain their sleep habits, include a better-rested lifestyle, and increase productivity at home and work, provided they are getting sufficient sleep. It is an assessment to uncover why you are not sleeping and develop strategies to help you get quality rest.

Custom Therapeutic Exercise Plan

A customized exercise plan targets the specific muscles and joints to help your body respond best to treatment. Based on the complete evaluation results, they know where your problem areas are and create a program that will specifically target these areas. They start with basic exercises that most people can quickly do, then, over time, increase the level of intensity to treat your condition thoroughly. It strengthens specific muscles and joints and helps to relax tight or sore muscles. It also promotes circulation via the increase of blood flow and proper oxygenation of the body.

Common Causes of Poor Sleep

Sleep Apnea

Rest apnea is when the patient stops breathing for an extended period during sleep. This interruption can occur several times throughout the night or in a brief period. It can be frequently associated with other health conditions such as hypertension, high blood sugar levels, heart disease, diabetes, and falling asleep with a full stomach. It is a potentially life-threatening condition if not treated. When a person is suffering from sleep apnea, they are at an increased risk of having cardiovascular problems, hypertension, and heart attacks.


Insomnia is a condition in which the patient has trouble sleeping. It can also be a feeling of general wakefulness, combined with a strong desire to rest and excessive drowsiness during the day. Medical conditions can cause insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression. The main risk factors that cause insomnia are depression and anxiety. Other risk factors include medications, alcohol use, and smoking. This condition can cause significant problems with mental and physical health and quality of life.


Stress can be an essential part of everyday life, but too much stress can cause insomnia, a sleep disorder that occurs when you cannot get the restful sleep you need. Stress can make it harder to fall asleep at night and may result in waking partially during the night and falling asleep again later. You may also wake up feeling tired instead of refreshed. Stress can be caused by something that happened recently or from past events. Such events include:

  • The death of a loved one.
  • The loss of a job.
  • A significant change in your lifestyle.

Back Pain

Back pain is when the patient has pain in their back or neck. Patients with back pain usually experience soreness and stiffness in their lower back, hips, or buttocks. It can also cause muscle weakness, as well as headaches and dizziness. Back pain can often be caused by a severe injury or issues with an individual’s back, such as scoliosis, osteoporosis, and arthritis. It is a significant problem that affects the quality of life of both men and women, causing them to be unable to work.

Headaches and Migraines

Headaches and migraines are common reasons for poor rest. When a person has a headache, they may not be able to get the rest they need to function correctly. Rest is essential because it helps the body recover, and during rest, muscles relax, allowing patients to heal and recover from illnesses, injuries, or surgeries. It is caused by weather, stress, fatigue, and overindulgence in food. Headaches are usually accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, and sensitivity to light or sound. Migraines cause pain on one side of the head that decreases with movement.


Can chiropractic help with sleep?

Chiropractic care can help with rest if you have pain in your neck or back. It can also help if you have headaches and migraines unrelated to a specific cause, such as an injury, disease, or medication. Rest is an essential part of the body’s healing process, and chiropractic care helps promote it by providing therapeutic exercises that activate muscles responsible for proper posture and movement. It helps relieve stress and tension in the body, improving rest.

Can being out of alignment cause insomnia?

Many people think being out of alignment can cause insomnia; however, you may experience severe pain or discomfort. If you are suffering from severe pain in your back or neck, it may keep you up at night because your body will release stress hormones to relieve the pain. A doctor of chiropractic can determine whether you are suffering from alignment.

How do you sleep after a chiropractic adjustment?

Many people do not feel well after receiving an adjustment; however, most symptoms are temporary. Some patients experience stiffness or soreness the next day due to the body’s healing from the adjustment. It is recommended that you take it easy the day after receiving your adjustment and drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins released by your body during the healing process.

What is the best sleeping position?

It is recommended that you sleep on your side, as this is the most comfortable way to ensure that your body is aligned. It promotes deep rest, which helps you to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. It is also best for your spine and joints, which can significantly impact your overall health and well-being. If you are suffering from back pain, sleeping in an upright position may be more effective than lying horizontally as it will help to keep the spine straight.

What’s the worst way to sleep?

Sleeping on your stomach can be risky for your back. Your spine is designed to be straight and not bent, so your posture can be affected by sleeping in any unnatural position. It is impossible to have a healthy spine if you rest in the wrong place. It is best to avoid sleeping on your stomach, as you are more likely to wake up feeling tired and regretting your decision to rest in this position.

Can spine issues cause insomnia?

Sometimes issues such as scoliosis, osteoporosis, and arthritis can cause insomnia. In these cases, it is essential to seek the advice of a doctor of chiropractic. There are specific adjustments that can be made for each individual’s spine, which will help to prevent any further issues from occurring. It is essential to consult with a chiropractor regularly to monitor the status of your spine, which will allow them to determine whether adjustments are needed.

Can chiropractic help with snoring?

Chiropractic care can help with snoring, as it is recommended that you consult a chiropractor for any issues associated with your spine. Many people who suffer from back pain may develop snoring problems due to being unable to breathe through their nose properly. It is due to their neck position, which prevents them from living correctly. Chiropractic care can help relieve pressure on the jaw and, in turn, help stop snoring.

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